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Train the trainees

Train future trainers in radiation protection and nuclear technology


The european project was approved last June 27 by the ERASMUS PLUS program, a strategic partnership in the area of ​​Higher Education called “Train the trainees – Train future trainers in radiation protection and nuclear technology” that will be coordinated in UBI by LABEXPORAD from UBImedical.

​Current and future market needs in the nuclear industry are enormous for qualified nuclear engineers, technologists, radiation protection professionals and radiation protection specialists. For example, by 2020, more than 100 nuclear reactors will be in a standstill in Europe and the number is predicted to increase by 8% a year. Many professionals need to be retrained in the work context. In addition, in other sectors, a transition towards the adoption of the Sustainability Development Goals (ODS) was initiated, a series of objectives agreed upon by the United Nations General Assembly on 25 September 2015.


The main objective of the project is to develop “international advanced training in nuclear technology and radiation protection” through the design of interactive distance learning modules and face-to-face / laboratory modules. Our current and future nuclear engineering students will begin their careers in this transitional world and will play an important role as radiation protection specialists, future trainers and teachers, supervisors and / or radiation protection consultants across all industries. Thus, this initiative emerges as a strategic platform to provide the necessary learning and updating through the design and implementation of a training program in the nuclear area that is attractive and appropriate to the objectives of development of sustainability (ODS), oriented to the transition to a world’s best until 2030.



Haute Ecole Bruxelles-Brabant – Belgium (Coordenador)
Universiteit Hasselt – Belgium
Czech Technical University em Praga – Czech Republic
Hochschule Mannheim – Germany
Universita di Bologna – Italy
Universidade da Beira Interior - Portugal
Universitat Politecnica de Valencia - Spain




Estrada Municipal 506 

6200 - 284 Covilhã, Portugal



Tel: +351 275 241 272   

Extension: 5653

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